New, Cute French Edition of “Honor Yourself”

Parlez-vous français?

Even if you don’t, you’ve got to admire the cute, new, pocket-sized French edition of my book Honor Yourself. It was just published by Pocket, a division of the major French publisher Univers Poche.

The title and subtitle they used, “Se Respecter: prendre soin de soi pour être disponible aux autres,” means roughly “Respect Oneself: Take care of yourself to be available to others.”

French is the foreign language I studied in school, so I can read and speak (at least a little of) it, which makes this precious book all the more exciting for me.

I’m so grateful!

C’est fantastique, n’est-ce pas?

If you want to read more about the French edition (in French), here’s the link to the publisher’s website.

Categories: Book News, Honor Yourself

2 Responses to “New, Cute French Edition of “Honor Yourself””

  1. Teresa says:

    Very cute cover. Mrs. McDowell would be very proud!

  2. Patricia Spadaro says:

    Our long-suffering and enthusiastic French teacher WOULD love to see this, wouldn’t she? Thanks for bringing her back to mind. And thank you, Mrs. McDowell!

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